Revolutionizing Data Collection and Monitoring: Low-Power Wireless Sensor Networks – Advantages and Applications of LPWSNs

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Low-power wireless sensor networks, also known as LPWSNs, are gaining popularity in a wide range of applications, including the management of industrial processes, healthcare monitoring, and environmental assessment. These networks are made up of very tiny, low-power devices referred to as “sensors.” These devices are able to gather data about their surrounding environment. These devices exchange the data they have gathered with one another and a central hub through wireless communication.

What are Wireless Sensor Networks?

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are collections of tiny, low-power “sensor nodes” that include a wireless communication module, a microcontroller, and one or more sensors. To gather information from the environment, such as temperature, humidity, light, or sound, these sensor nodes are placed in a specified location. After being gathered, the data is wirelessly sent to a hub for processing and analysis.

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Applications for WSNs are many and include smart cities, environmental monitoring, and industrial monitoring and control. They may be used to track and keep an eye on animals, moving vehicles, and other things, as well as to check on the condition of infrastructure like bridges and buildings. They may also be used to keep an eye on and regulate the climate in greenhouses and buildings, including temperature and humidity.

Wireless sensor networks
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Difference Between Wireless Sensor Networks and Traditional Networks

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and conventional networks both send and gather data, but there are significant distinctions between them.

1- Size and Scale

Typically, WSNs consist of tiny, low-power devices known as “sensors” that are dispersed across a vast region. Together, these sensors capture and send data. On the other hand, traditional networks are often comprised of bigger, more potent devices linked to a centralized network.

2- Network Topology

WSNs often use a mesh architecture in which each sensor may connect with several other sensors. As a result, the network is more robust and resilient, as data may be transferred over many pathways. On the other hand, traditional networks often use a star or tree topology in which every device is linked to a central hub or switch.

3- Power and Energy

Wireless sensor networks are created to save energy and reduce power usage. Sensors in these networks often operate on batteries and preserve energy by using low-power communication protocols and sleep modes. On the other hand, traditional networks often consume more power and may require a power supply connection.

4- Security

WSNs are susceptible to security issues such as hacking and interference. WSNs use encryption, authentication, and access control measures to guard against these dangers by securing communication and preventing unwanted access. Traditional networks offer security mechanisms as well, although they may not be as strong as those utilized in WSNs.

5- Applications

WSNs are generally utilized in applications like environmental monitoring, industrial process control, and healthcare, where data from a large number of distributed sensors must be gathered. The Internet, corporate networks, and data center networks are all applications that use traditional networks.

What is a Low Power Wireless Sensor Network?

A low-power wireless sensor network (LPWSN) is a form of wireless sensor network that uses energy-harvesting methods or batteries to run on little to no electricity. By reducing the power consumption of the sensor nodes, an LPWSN aims to increase the network’s lifetime. Low-power electronics, effective communication protocols, and strategies like duty cycling and sleep modes are used to accomplish this.

Applications for low-power wireless sensor networks include environmental monitoring, industrial automation, healthcare, and smart homes. In these applications, sensor nodes are placed in outlying or difficult-to-reach areas where changing batteries or other power sources is neither practicable nor economical.

LPWSN often employs low-power communication protocols such as Zigbee, Z-Wave, and 6LoWPAN in order to save energy. Additionally, LPWSN sensor nodes often use energy-collecting strategies like solar power, vibration energy, or thermal energy in order to be energy-efficient.

In general, LPWSNs are made to be inexpensive, long-lasting, and low-maintenance, which makes them an appealing alternative for many applications where conventional wired networks are not practical.

What is the range of low-power wireless sensor networks?

A low-power-power wireless sensor network’s range may vary based on a variety of factors, including the type of wireless protocol utilized, the transmitting device’s power, and the existence of environmental obstacles. In ideal circumstances, the range of a low-power wireless sensor network employing a protocol like Zigbee or Z-Wave is typically between 30 and 100 meters inside and up to 300 meters outside. However, in the presence of obstructions or interference from other wireless devices, the range might be drastically decreased.

Advantages of low-power wireless sensor networks

Low-power wireless sensor networks provide a number of benefits, such as:

Low power consumption

These networks are made to use as little power as possible, allowing the sensors to operate for long periods of time on their batteries.


The sensors utilized in these networks are often low-cost and battery-powered, eliminating the need for costly power infrastructure.


Depending on the demands of the application, these networks can be readily scaled up or down.


Wireless sensor networks are simply moved and may be installed in a range of situations.


Increased redundancy and fault tolerance are made possible by the distributed architecture of wireless sensor networks.

Real-Time Monitoring

Real-time data on a variety of physical and environmental factors may be provided via these networks, enabling speedy responses to changes.

High-precision data collection

Due to the employment of modern sensors, the network’s nodes are able to collect data with a high degree of accuracy, which improves decision-making.

Long battery life

These networks’ low power consumption makes it possible for the sensor nodes’ batteries to last a long time, which lowers maintenance expenses.

Wireless communication

The capacity to communicate wirelessly permits deployment in locations where running cables would be challenging or impossible.

Increased Mobility

Low-power wireless sensor networks provide for improved mobility since the sensor nodes in the network can be readily relocated from place to place without having to worry about disrupting the data transmission process or the power supply.

Applications of low-power wireless sensor networks

Low-power wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have a variety of uses, including:

  • Environmental monitoring: WSNs may be used to monitor temperature, humidity, air quality, and other environmental parameters in a particular area.
  • Automation of industrial operations: WSNs may be used to monitor and control industrial processes in factories and power plants, for example.
  • Smart cities: WSNs may be used to monitor traffic, parking, lighting, and other urban infrastructure in real-time, making cities more sustainable and efficient.
  • WSNs may be used to remotely monitor patients’ vital signs, including heart rate and blood pressure, and offer early warning of possible health concerns.
  • Agriculture: WSNs may be used to monitor crop growth and soil moisture, enabling farmers to make better-informed choices about irrigation and fertilization.
  • WSNs may be used to monitor the movement and activity of animals in distant places, therefore assisting conservation efforts.
  • WSNs may be used to monitor natural catastrophes in real-time and offer early warnings to first responders and the general public for disaster management.
  • Home Automation: Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) may be used to manage and monitor a variety of home appliances and devices, including lighting, thermostat, and security systems.
  • Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT): WSNs may be used to monitor and operate diverse industrial objects and systems, including machinery, vehicles, and manufacturing processes.
  • Predictive maintenance: WSNs may be used to monitor the state of equipment and forecast when a repair is required, hence decreasing equipment downtime and associated expenses.

Types of Low-power wireless sensor networks:

Low-power wireless sensor networks come in a few different varieties, such as:

1- Zigbee

Zigbee is a popular wireless technology for low-power sensor networks. It utilizes the same 2.4 GHz ISM band as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, but its communication methods are tailored to devices with limited battery life. Zigbee is ideal for home automation and other applications requiring short-range device communication because of its range of up to 100 meters.

The IEEE 802.15.4 standard forms the basis, and it specifies the physical and MAC layers for low-speed wireless LANs (LR-WPANs). In addition to defining the physical layer, Zigbee specifies the application layer and the network layer protocol that devices must adhere to in order to operate in a mesh network and make effective use of the available bandwidth. Zigbee is optimized to be used in battery-operated devices because of its cheap cost and power consumption.

2- Z-Wave

It is another sensor network wireless technology that uses less electricity. Z-Wave is a popular low-power sensor network wireless communication technology used in automated and smart homes. It can transmit in the 868 MHz and 908 MHz bands and has a range of up to 30 meters. Z-Wave is intended for usage in battery-operated devices because of its cheap cost and power consumption.

Z-Wave employs a mesh network architecture, which enables nodes to talk to one another through nodes in between, as opposed to talking to a central hub. A greater number of devices may be linked and the network’s stability will improve as a result of this. As long as there is another device in the network within range of both devices, Z-Wave devices can interact with each other even when they are not in the range of a central hub.

The ITU G.9959 standard forms the basis for Z-Wave by outlining the requirements for low-rate wireless LANs at the physical and media access control (MAC) layers (LR-WPANs). Devices may connect in a mesh network and make the most of available bandwidth thanks to the application layer and network layer protocol that are also defined by Z-Wave.

Sigma Designs owns Z-Wave and oversees the Z-Wave Alliance, a group of businesses working together to advance the Z-Wave protocol. Products that meet the standard’s requirements and are certified by the Z-Wave Alliance have been tested to guarantee they work with other Z-Wave products.

3- Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

It is a power-efficient variant of the widespread Bluetooth wireless technology. A wireless communication standard developed for use in low-power sensor networks and Internet of Things (IoT) gadgets, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is also known by its brand name, Bluetooth Smart. It is an adaptation of the standard Bluetooth wireless communication protocol that uses much less energy while yet allowing for transmissions of up to 100 meters in range.

Though it shares the 2.4 GHz ISM band with Wi-Fi and Zigbee, BLE’s communication protocols are designed with low-power devices in mind. With BLE’s star architecture, devices connect directly to a central hub or smartphone and relay all communications via this node.

Bluetooth 4.0 is the basis for BLE, which specifies the physical and media access control (MAC) layers of low-power wireless LANs (LE-WPANs). For devices to connect to a central hub and make the most of the available bandwidth, BLE also specifies the application layer and the network layer protocol.

Besides its widespread usage in wearable devices like fitness trackers and smartwatches, BLE also finds widespread implementation in the fields of home automation, healthcare, and the Internet of Things more generally. The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) is a consortium of businesses that works to develop and maintain the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) specification.

4- LoRaWAN

LoRaWAN stands for “Long Range Wide Area Network,”. It is a protocol for a low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) that is made for sensor networks. It is made to be able to communicate over a long distance and use little power. It works in unlicensed ISM bands (902-928 MHz in the US and 868 MHz in Europe). It has a range of several kilometers. it is a good choice for use in remote and rural areas.

5- Sigfox

Sigfox is a low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) protocol and service that was developed specifically for use in Internet of Things (IoT) applications, in particular those that include sensor networks that have low data rates, long-range communication, and low power consumption. This technology makes use of ultra-narrowband (UNB) modulation to transmit tiny quantities of data across large distances, generally up to 15 kilometers in urban contexts. It is well-suited for applications such as remote monitoring, tracking, and control.

6- NB-IoT

The term NB-IoT refers to the Narrowband Internet of Things. It is a low-power wide-area (LPWA) technology that enables devices to be connected across large distances while utilizing very little bandwidth. It is intended for usage in the Internet of Things (IoT) applications to link devices with low data rate needs that are situated in difficult-to-reach regions such as underground or in distant locations. The Range of NB-IoT is up to 35 kilometers. it is ideal for deployment in sensor networks.


LPWSNs is an effective method for data gathering and monitoring in a variety of different industries. LPWSNs will continue to be vitally significant in many different domains thanks to the development of new technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT). They provide a multitude of advantages, including energy efficiency, long-distance communication, data management, security, and the capability to adapt to a variety of various contexts. To get the most out of low-power wide-area networks (LPWSNs), it is essential to build and deploy them while keeping these aspects in mind.

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Hi, I’m Arun Kumar Singh from Navi Mumbai, India. I am a Senior WFM at IDBI Intech Ltd. I completed an MBA From Maharshi Dayanand University. And also have an “A Grade” Certification in Financial Modeling from NSE India.

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